Headder AdSence

Parallel Execution in SSIS

Parallel Execution: is nothing but number of tasks to be executed simultaneously

     This simultaneously would be happen when there is no relation between two task with precedence constraint then only the tasks will start altogether.

    But here is limit of task executions to start altogether in SSIS, the default parallel execution limit is 

The number of processors of our using machine + 2

when you execute the package, by default number of processors of our using machine + 2 tasks will start.

     see the below image when I started directly my package it will start with 6 tasks at a time because my machine has 4 processors.

     I created one package with 20 Execute SQL Tasks without precedence constraint means no dependence between them.

Picture 1: below is the package with 20 Execute SQL Tasks

Picture 2: Started with 6 packages out of 20

Picture 3: Started with next 6 packages after completing the first 6 package out of 20

Picture 4: now again picked next 6 packages after completing previous started 6 packages.

Picture 5: finishing the rest of packages.

here is the way to increase the limit of default parallel execution tasks, Please go here

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MaxConcurrentExecutables Property in SSIS Package

MaxConcurrentExecutables: This is a package level property, using this this property we can increase the number of tasks parallel execution process.

    So we can increase the size of the exection taks parallely usig this MaxConcurrentExecutables, for default process please check here how it executes.
 Let see by increaseing the size of this MaxConcurrentExecutables propery how it works

  When i execute without changing any MaxConcurrentExecutables propery, here is the process which I already posted.

    I creaed once package with 20 taks without precedence constraint which means no relation between each task.

Picture 1: A package with 20 tasks without any relation (precedence constraint)

Process to change the property value.

Step 1: Go to Properties window on SSIS package by pressing F4 / directly click on properties window which is right side in SSIS package.

Step 2: Go to MaxConcurrentExecutables property on properties window.

By default SSIS package keeps MaxConcurrentExecutables propery value as -1, which means default number of taks is Total number of processors of machine + 2 task can start exectuion at once.

Step 3: Change default values -1 to 10 / as you required.

     After changing MaxConcurrentExecutables propery from -1 to 10

Picture 2: started package and picked first 10 tasks at a time out of 20 tasks.

Picture 3: started package with next 10 tasks at a time after finishes the previous 10 tasks.

so finally it finishes all the packages with picking the 10 at a time for the process.

and these 10 tasks starting order by name if we observe closely.

here is my observation,by increasing this property value our process will finish very quickly, it is very useful to when we need to save the execution time. 

 but keep in mind when you are increasing the MaxConcurrentExecutables propery value, is there any other application using same processors and do we have enough size these kind of things take into priority. 

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Ctrl R not working in SQL Server?

Ctrl + R: it's general thing which SQL Developer uses often in day.

     Some times this Result Pane won't work, so we can again create this short cut, please go through below steps.

1. go to Tool > ..Options > Keyboard > Keyboard

2. Select Window.ShowResultsPane under Show Commands containing

3. SQL Query Editor under Use new short cut in:

4. Click empty space of Press Shortcut Keys:then give your Shortcut Key (pres your           
     required shortcut key)